समय दें भारतीय भाषाओं के लिये

भारतीय भाषाओं के लिये
कृष्णने गोवर्धन उठाया तो गोप-गोपियोंने लाठीका टेक दिया - रामने सेतू बाँधा तो गिलहरीने हाथ बँटाया। आप भी हिंदी व भारतीय भाषाओंके लिये योगदान दें। इन्स्क्रिप्ट कीबोर्ड लेआउट सीखें। यह कक्षा पहली के पाठानुरूप (अआइई, कखगघचछजझ...) चलता है और उतनाही सरल है। फिर आप आटवीं फेल, अंग्रेजी न जाननेवाले बच्चोंको भी पाँच मिनटमें संगणक-टंकन सिखाकर उनकी दुआएँ बटोरिये।

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Books given to different Libraries.

Books given to different Libraries.

files 1-50 to keep in Pune from Mumbai

files 1-50 -- to keep in pune till end of Goa posting

  1. OLD Visa applications
  2. OLD letters from people
  3. Akashwani letters for recording
  4. Jalgaon case for witness
  5. Assorted Lit papers
  6. SDC work-1
  7. Sagli palak sachiv
  8. NewYork Hindi Sammelan
  9. Lukhnow  -kamal Taori
  10. NCW -- Study leave ??
  11. Anna hazare nivedan
  12. Status Report on Dairy -- Virkar
  13. Some assorted meeting of ALL palak sachiv
  14. Tour file in MSFC 
  15. PM AWARD --- PCRA submission
  16. Devdasi- Total file for Hyderabad
  17. Transperancies Yashada- Admn
  18. Citizen Centred Local Self Govt
  19. ALL IAS LADY officers upto 1970 -- data collection
  20. JUMV -- Capacity building for Energy Conservation Jalgaon
  21. JUMV -- Other improved Chulha 
  22. Leave sanction for London
  23. Pending works  2006-2010
  24. Action Plan for MSWM (Municipal Solid Waste Management) by AIILS
  25. PPT on Ene. Cons Act 2001
  26. Mahila Takrar Niwaran Samiti file no 28 
  27. WMDC Meetings -- some min and data
  28. Hrishi marriage invitation etc
  29. nagpur Dairy plant court case
  30. One sundry file as Dy Sec ACD
  31. Neena Society -- some
  32. New Yash +neena society hearing
  33. Prison Statistics in India 1998
  34. integrated Energy Policy
  35. Accidental Deaths and Suicides India 1998
  36. hakkabhang by Khadse for SDC officers -1
  37. hakkabhang by Khadse for SDC officers -2
  38. National Mission on Decentralised Biomass Energy -- Achyut Gokhale
  39. ADF file -- TV program concept +Personal -- EL, Charge etc
  40. charkha  -parbhani and some writings
  41. RSanrakshan Ayogajya Bal Hakka 
  42. Finance file -- Reconciliation officers
  43. Maha. Rajpatrit Adhikari -- Mahila dhoran
  44. Jalgaon Hemant Gaikwad -- Reserve Forest protection
  45. My RTI experiments 
  46. TRTI Pune Research Projects List
  47. Biodiesel Seminar Anand, Gujrat
  48. 17 th Livestock Census report
  49. Rightman Services India -- their trg programs
  50. AIR survey report of BBKB PCRA